Getting Started

There are many different reasons families choose to homeschool. Some families make the choice because they enjoy the freedom to choose the quality and kind of curriculum their children use for learning. Some families homeschool because they have a child with special learning needs and they are able to tailor their child’s education in a way that is best for their child. Other families choose to homeschool because they are looking for something different than what their children are experiencing in their current school environment. Some parents choose to homeschool because they want to be the main influencer in their children’s character growth and learning. And often, families choose to homeschool for a combination of several of these reasons! Each year the number of students who homeschool continues to grow, and thanks to advances in technology, it’s easier than ever to do!

The easiest way to get started homeschooling legally in South Carolina is to join an Option 3 accountability association, like Homeward Education Association. Click on Join HEA and submit your membership application and fees and we will send you a member packet that will contain your proof of membership letter and membership card, information about what/how you need to document your homeschooling, as well as the forms you will need to submit at the end of the year for compliance. It’s easier than you might think, and we will walk you through all of it!

In addition to getting your legal coverage taken care of, you also need to choose your curriculum style, as that will help you know what books or websites you need to use and will also help you know if you will want or need to join a local support group… then begin homeschooling! If you are making this decision in the middle of a school year and need to pull your children out of their current school, you may need to provide that school information about what you are doing. Please be aware of the laws in your area. You can contact Homeward Education Association if you have questions about this. Don’t forget that you can always book a consultation if you need help getting started or need advising at any point along your homeschool journey. We are here to help you succeed!

For questions, please contact Homeward Education Association [email protected]


We are available to meet in person weekly in Sumter, SC, and we also make appointments available in other locations throughout the state. See our “How To Meet With Us” page for more details.


Mon-Thurs: 1pm – 4pm
Friday-Sunday: Closed

Closed the weeks of Easter, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving break, Christmas, New Year’s, and federal holidays.


Phone: (803) 469-4927
Email: [email protected]