Classes At HEA

Homeward Education Association offers high school classes as an option for its members. We offer both in-person classes as well as online classes. Registration for Fall 2024 opens May 1st and is on a first-come basis until spaces are full. All classes run for 32 weeks beginning in mid-August and concluding in mid-May. In-person classes meet once a week on Monday, with an optional second day for a help session on Wednesdays. Online courses include both pre-recorded teaching videos plus optional live online components. Call or email for more info or to register.


English Lit: British Literature

English Lit: Christian Philosophers and Fantasy Fiction

English Lit: American Literature

English lit: world, literature

English Lit: Foundations in Composition, Writing, and Literature

US History

World History

US Government


Current Events with Biblical Perspective


Algebra 1

Algebra 2



Consumer Math

Physical Science

Earth Science

Biology with labs

Chemistry with labs

Forensic Science with labs


Classes are open to HEA members only. Tuition is $350 per course for most courses. Science courses are $400 because they include labs. Some courses also have a textbook cost, although for most it is included in the cost of the course.


We are available to meet in person weekly in Sumter, SC, and we also make appointments available in other locations throughout the state. See our “How To Meet With Us” page for more details.


Mon-Thurs: 1pm – 4pm
Friday-Sunday: Closed

Closed the weeks of Easter, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving break, Christmas, New Year’s, and federal holidays.


Phone: (803) 469-4927
Email: [email protected]